> ActiveSetup wizard

ActiveSetup wizard

The details entered in the ActiveSetup wizard are used throughout Sage Accounts to form some of the main settings for your company. Entering accurate information in the wizard helps to tailor the software to suit your business needs and can save you a lot of time when you start entering new data.

You can use the wizard when installing Sage Accounts on a new computer or when you need to create an additional company. You can create an additional company in two ways:

Note: This option is only available if you have a spare company in your Sage licence. If you need an extra company, you can upgrade your licence by calling 0845 33 66 33.

There are three options when creating a new company:

Option 1: Set-up a new companyOpen this section

The company and data files are created in a set location on your computer. The location appears in the box. If you are happy with the location for your new company, click Next.

To change where your new company is stored:

Network Sharing

Note: This option only appears if you are using a multi-user version of Sage Accounts.

To help you access the new company from other computers in the network you can automatically share the folder where the new company is created.

If you want to share the location of the data, select the check box. If you do not want to share the location, clear the check box.

Company Details

    Company Name

    Your company's legal trading name.


    Your company's registered address. If your company has a number of offices we recommend that you enter your main or head office address.


    The country your business is based in.

    Telephone Number Your main company telephone number.
    Fax Number Your main company fax number.
    Email Address Your main company email address.
    Website Address Your main company website address.

Business Type

This selection is used to create a nominal structure that will be used to generate your Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet reports. This structure is called the Chart of Accounts (COA).

To help you make your choice, when you select a business type, the Description pane to the right provides more information about what you have selected.

Financial Year


Is your company VAT registered?

Indicate whether your company is registered for VAT.

Enter your VAT registration number

If your company is VAT registered, you have a VAT registration number.

This number prints on the invoices and credit notes that you produce.

If you are having difficulty entering the number, check it's in the right format. If you are unsure, check your local tax office or accountant.

VAT Scheme

Choose the VAT scheme your company uses:

Standard VATOpen this section

When using Standard VAT, you need to account for the VAT element of income when it is earned, not when you receive the money.

Similarly, if you buy goods from your suppliers on a credit basis, you also need to account for the VAT element of purchases, when you incur the cost, rather than when you actually make a payment.

At the end of a period, you must pay the amount of VAT collected on sales, output tax, less the amount of VAT charged on purchases, input tax, to the VAT authorities.

VAT Cash Accounting (UK)Open this section

VAT Cash Accounting is a cash based accounting scheme to help smaller companies with their cash flow.

Using this scheme, at the end of a period you pay and reclaim VAT only on the money value that has actually been received or paid.

Note: The Irish VAT Cash Accounting scheme works slightly differently from the UK scheme; it allows you to calculate VAT on the money you receive from your customers and the invoices or credits you receive from your suppliers.

The following are UK only VAT schemes

Flat Rate - Invoiced BasedOpen this section

The Flat Rate scheme was introduced by HMRC to simplify VAT calculation for new and small businesses. VAT payable is calculated by multiplying the business’ gross turnover by a fixed percentage, which varies according to trade sector.

The fixed percentage is normally lower than the standard VAT percentage.

For the Flat Rate - Invoice Based scheme, VAT for the period is calculated on invoiced sales and purchases. This is the Flat Rate equivalent of the Standard VAT scheme.

Flat Rate - Cash BasedOpen this section

For the Flat Rate - Cash Based scheme, VAT for the period is calculated on payments and receipts only. This is the flat rate equivalent of the VAT Cash Accounting scheme.

At the end of a period you pay VAT only on the value that you have received and paid.

For more information see The VAT window UK or The VAT window ROI. Or you may prefer to contact HMRC or the Revenue for guidance.

Enter your standard VAT rate %

This rate applies to sales and purchases. Please refer to your tax authority website for the current rate to apply.

Enter your Flat Rate %

This box only appears if you have selected a Flat Rate scheme as your VAT scheme.

This is the VAT rate percentage HMRC have instructed you to use. If you are unsure what the rate is, you must speak to HMRC.

The VAT percentage is based on the business sector that you belong in. The correct sector is the one that most closely describes what your business will be doing in the coming year.


This is the currency your company reports its profits and losses in.

Manager Password

The first time you open the software, you must log in using the default user name MANAGER.

This section is not mandatory, but we strongly recommend that you give your MANAGER login password protection.

  1. In the Enter Password box, enter your chosen password.

    Your password is not case-sensitive, can be up to ten characters in length, and can include numbers and spaces.

  1. In the Confirm Password box, repeat your password entry > Next.

    Note: If the two password entries do not match, you are prompted to re enter and confirm the password.

Confirm Details

Option 2: Use an existing company stored on your networkOpen this section

Select this option if you are upgrading the software, and want to use a company you already have installed on your computer, network or storage device. This connects to the company data so it's ready to use in your new installation of Sage Accounts.

Confirm Details

Option 3: Restore data from a backup fileOpen this section

Select this option if you have existing data saved as a Sage backup. For example, you might select this option if you are reinstalling Sage Accounts on a new computer.

  1. Browse > browse to the location of your backup > Open.

  2. Check the location the company will be created in. If you are happy with the location, click Next.

    To choose a different location > Change > browse to the location you want to use > OK > Next.

Confirm Details

To review Ask Sage, Business Advice and Health and Safety advice, go here. All contact details for Sage are available from here.

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